Dear Friends,

The Canadian Division of The Hope of Survivors is pleased to have been a part of an event that helped to educate Canadian clergy about issues related to clergy sexual abuse. The Maritime Conference of the Seventh-day Adventist Church hosted the event and it was attended by pastors and spouses who serve in the provinces of New Brunswick, Nova Scotia and Prince Edward Island.

Leif Koester, the Vice President of the Canadian Division of The Hope of Survivors, opened the meeting by giving a presentation about clergy sexual abuse and by giving an overview of the history, mission and services of The Hope of Survivors.

A victim of clergy sexual abuse shared her experience. She talked openly about how she had been groomed by a pastor she trusted, how she had been isolated from her family and friends, how she had been raped, and then how she had been blamed. She talked openly about how she had been further victimized by the church organization and the police. She also talked about how she found hope and was able to begin the process of healing.

Presentations were also given by Sharon Aka, Associate Director of the Adventist Learning Community and by Grace MacKintosh, General Counsel for the Seventh-day Adventist Church in Canada. Sania Dookie, Director of Client Services for The Canadian Division of The Hope of Survivors, gave a presentation that explained the nature and damage of clergy sexual abuse, as well as what can be to identify and prevent pastoral patterns of abuse. The event concluded with a question and answer

The Canadian Division of The Hope of Survivors is available to provide
similar presentations throughout Canada. For more information, please contact Leif Koester.

God bless you,
Samantha Nelson