Kim Erickson
While a seminary student in 2004—when internet was in its infancy and the #MeToo and #ChurchToo movements were yet unborn—Kim Erickson stumbled desperately upon the two-year-old website, The Hope of Survivors. While studying in a respected evangelical seminary, she was struggling to understand and address her fears that not only one, but two, seminary professors had violated her sexually, spiritually and emotionally. With the information that she found on the website, she began the difficult fight to address their offenses and to understand how a young, married and God-loving woman with three children could become victim to the men she viewed as representing God. The process of facing these two professors and the academic and spiritual community who supported them generated what could easily be described as a complete mental breakdown. Kim is currently writing and publishing the complicated story of her seminary experience of turning victimization into a faith pilgrimage.