Alma Regan
As a pastor’s wife desiring to better equip myself toward helping the hurting, I was privileged to first meet The Hope of Survivors co-founder Samantha Nelson at a “Crisis Intervention” seminar during the 2006 Thompsonville, Illinois, Women of Spiritual Praise Conference, where THOS had an exhibit.

“Record my grievings;
Put my tears into Your bottle;
Are they not written in Your book?
My enemies will turn back
in the day that I call:
This I know, that God is for me. . .
For You have delivered my soul from death:
And my feet from falling,
That I may walk before You
In the light of the living.”
(Psalm 56:8-9, 13)
Other topics at the Women of Spiritual Praise Conference included sexual purity in our unholy world; sexual addictions; ministering to those who have experienced various abuses, substance addictions, etc.
Ironically, I still had my notes from those seminars, when less than five years later, my marriage collapsed. Never then did I imagine that God would turn that life-altering tragedy into the profoundly encouraging opportunity for me become a part of this much-needed ministry—offering spiritual and emotional comfort and support to other precious sisters who have been devastated and are anguishing.
I am honored to be serving as a member of The Hope of Survivors team. If you are a victim of clergy sexual abuse, or are the wife of an abusive (or otherwise morally fallen) pastor, we are respectfully here for you.